The Soapbox


Joined: 03/02/1999 Posts: 24391
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If a sliver of the poorest population ends up making out a little

better for a few months because of this $600, I say God bless 'em. It might be the only break they ever get in life and they probably don't have guaranteed jobs to go back to whenever this blows over, so I hope they save the excess.

To pitch a fit over this like those Senators did is about the most Republican thing I've ever seen.

(In response to this post by Shenhoo)

Posted: 03/26/2020 at 08:45AM


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Current Thread:
  Since Inauguration day..... ** -- MasterRusty 03/26/2020 08:01AM
  Poor, poor; bore as before; a twit to the core ** -- Quaker 03/26/2020 08:53AM
  Damn NATO. If only they could be more like Russia. ** -- HoosWillWin 03/26/2020 07:57AM
  Not everything he says is bad -- WahooMatt05 03/26/2020 07:39AM
  That is soooo spot on. ** -- Hoodeac 03/26/2020 08:47AM
  Guy's got it down! ** -- Shenhoo 03/26/2020 07:59AM
  No one likes reruns -- Beerman 03/26/2020 08:53AM
  So many straw men... -- Moneyshot 03/26/2020 08:40AM
  That’s a different issue... -- Moneyshot 03/26/2020 08:57AM
  So let's do a monthly budget for $1400 a month. -- Shenhoo 03/26/2020 08:33AM
  I think you are triggered. ** -- moohoofus 03/26/2020 12:19AM
  Somebody sure is. ** -- VAGentleman05 03/26/2020 06:50AM
  Triggered. Go play some bball Bill. ** -- moohoofus 03/26/2020 08:05AM

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