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Joined: 09/20/2009 Posts: 2817
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I agree especially every time I read your posts.

(In response to this post by SixerHoo)

Posted: 07/03/2020 at 10:47AM


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Current Thread:
Article (AP News) on the resurgence of Cali Corona (link) -- Tuckahokie 07/03/2020 09:59AM
  It's a compliance problem with the young ** -- HiltonHeadHoo 07/03/2020 12:09PM
  Who could have ever seen that coming? ** -- VAGentleman05 07/03/2020 12:48PM
  LOL ** -- HiltonHeadHoo 07/03/2020 2:04PM
  That’s part of it, but an oversimplification. ** -- SixerHoo 07/03/2020 12:11PM
  Average age of new cases is in 30s = lower death rates ** -- HiltonHeadHoo 07/03/2020 12:10PM
  I suspect average age of deaths remains high ** -- HiltonHeadHoo 07/03/2020 12:16PM
  I think one aspect of Phase 3 was actually axed by Northam. -- jdubforwahoowa 07/03/2020 11:56AM
  Northam may come out of this as a hero. ** -- 07/03/2020 12:05PM
  Blind pig finds a truffle from time to time. -- jdubforwahoowa 07/03/2020 12:05PM
  I agree especially every time I read your posts. ** -- moohoofus 07/03/2020 10:47AM
  You’re certainly entitled to your own delusion. ** -- SixerHoo 07/03/2020 11:04AM
  Switching to your alts already, TK? ** -- wahoo138 07/03/2020 10:51AM
  Same to you RQ. ** -- moohoofus 07/03/2020 12:02PM
  That’s a more nuanced take, for sure. -- SixerHoo 07/03/2020 10:56AM
  Democrats hate this country and apologize for it daily -- TomKazanski 07/03/2020 11:12AM
  TK is a citizen of Imaginary America. ** -- SixerHoo 07/03/2020 11:37AM
  Who is "our"? ** -- Plano Hoo 07/03/2020 11:31AM
  Everyone who is not a democrat ** -- TomKazanski 07/03/2020 11:40AM
  Él es un pendejo ignorante ** -- wahoo138 07/03/2020 11:38AM
  Sí, lo prueba cada vez que publica. ** -- SixerHoo 07/03/2020 11:42AM
  I have been worried about this Country for quite a while. -- jdubforwahoowa 07/03/2020 11:07AM
  By my calculations, yes. ** -- jdubforwahoowa 07/03/2020 11:10AM
  Wow. The last 400 years say hello. ** -- SixerHoo 07/03/2020 11:11AM
  You made my point, thanks. -- jdubforwahoowa 07/03/2020 11:13AM
  Why does this piss you off so much? -- SchmHoo 07/03/2020 11:36AM
  Regarding your last sentence.....huh? -- SchmHoo 07/03/2020 12:29PM
  No. -- southdenverhoo 07/03/2020 12:19PM
  I have heard that before. -- jdubforwahoowa 07/03/2020 12:25PM
  My middle child is trans. ** -- jdubforwahoowa 07/03/2020 11:26AM
  Yeah, it answered the question. -- jdubforwahoowa 07/03/2020 11:39AM
  Fair enough. ** -- SixerHoo 07/03/2020 11:43AM
  Very proud of them. -- jdubforwahoowa 07/03/2020 11:44AM
  Virginia being not one of those states. ** -- jdubforwahoowa 07/03/2020 10:15AM
  Correct. Holding steady for quite a few days. ** -- SixerHoo 07/03/2020 10:17AM
  Tidewater Tookies always screwing up ** -- 07/03/2020 11:01AM
  Also SW Virginia, apparently. ** -- SixerHoo 07/03/2020 10:40AM
  The need to go inside after spending hours on the beach -- CharlestonSC 07/03/2020 10:35AM
  We're packing them into restaurants here -- wahoo138 07/03/2020 10:48AM
  Bingo ** -- 07/03/2020 10:59AM
  Outside 6 feet apart? ** -- jdubforwahoowa 07/03/2020 10:22AM
  You could have stopped at "crowded." ** -- Shenhoo 07/03/2020 10:20AM

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