The Soapbox

Los Angeles Hoo

Joined: 03/05/2014 Posts: 19521
Likes: 29752

So. Much. Winning. There is no greater indictment of the…

…2016 NeverTrumpers than these huge pro-freedom court decisions. Policy matters.

(In response to this post by Hokieesith)

Posted: 06/27/2022 at 12:50PM


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Current Thread:
  Nope. Got back Saturday after a very relaxing week. ** -- Hokieesith 06/27/2022 1:24PM
  I think he's in "Sumpter," Oregon. ** -- Blah 06/27/2022 1:15PM
  Named after The Gamecock ** -- Tuckahokie 06/27/2022 1:35PM
  :>( ** -- Tuckahokie 06/27/2022 1:00PM
  We should totally trust them. They’d never lie. ** -- hooshouse 06/27/2022 1:16PM
  For now. ** -- Seattle .Hoo 06/27/2022 12:59PM
  Nobody should take Alito at his word ** -- WahooMatt05 06/27/2022 12:59PM
  So. Much. Winning. There is no greater indictment of the… -- Los Angeles Hoo 06/27/2022 12:50PM
  At your service... -- Los Angeles Hoo 06/27/2022 1:40PM
  Response.... -- Seattle .Hoo 06/27/2022 1:54PM
  As I said yesterday, you could frame this post as... -- Los Angeles Hoo 06/27/2022 2:27PM
  That and the off-the-charts vitriol. ** -- Los Angeles Hoo 06/27/2022 2:28PM
  :>/ ** -- Tuckahokie 06/27/2022 12:58PM
  Missed your meds this morning? ** -- HoodatB 06/27/2022 12:36PM
  We took away his belt and shoe laces ** -- HokieDan95 06/27/2022 12:42PM
  How? Seattle wears Sansabelts and Crocs ** -- Tuckahokie 06/27/2022 12:48PM
  :>) ** -- Blah 06/27/2022 12:56PM
  ? ** -- BKhoo 06/27/2022 12:19PM

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